Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Definition: To emphasise a certain word or phrase throughout the poem, creating a pattern.

I hear the sound I love, the song of the human voice,
I hear all sounds running together, combined, fused, or following,
Sounds of the city and sounds out of the city, sounds of the day and night,
Talkative young ones to those that like them, the loud laugh of work-people at their meals...

Significance: Poets use rhythm in their poems to get the meaning or attitude across more effectively.

 ha rhythm in poetry :D


Definition: Multiple words with the same sounding ending, usually located at the end of sentences. The rhyming words typically consist of the same number of syllables.

Example: Acceptance of darkness
The heart of the sun
The battle is over
The people have won.

Aether of sunlight
Dust of the stars
Eyes against nothing
Know nothing is far.

Blue opalescence
That holds in the night
Vanish forever
In infinite light.

Eyes of the heavens
Hand of the sun
The old life is over
A new has begun.
Significance: Poets pair words that rhyme in order to make the poem flow and sound better. I like them, they really test your vocabulary.

Thursday, May 24, 2012


Definition: The person speaking in the poem, not the person reading the poem.

Example: Still an irritating wind;
Vestiges of stubborn grey –
Jibing us of recent winter blight.

It’s coming though – like perky breasts
Pushing through a blouse –
Teasing, pleasing in it’s tantalising play:

Warmth of youth in April sun –
Simmering off depression,
Brains retuned; remapped for fun.

April is a portal –
Smoothly transitions
Delicate dispositions – suchlike mine,

Easing hunched bodies into
Summery smiles.

I just picked a ramdom poem.

Significance: The speaker of the poem is not always the poet. oh god, what's the significance?! : /


Definition: To compare two or more objects without the use of like or as.

Example: Is your happiness a leaking tap
Are you letting joy drip away
For the want of a spot of maintenance
'Tis a high price to pay

Significance: Metaphors help readers understand the poem better using comparison, and is more subtle than similes.


Definition: a word or phrase that, when pronounced, sounds like the actual thing it's describing.

Slam! Slam!
Go the car doors.
Jangle! Jangle!
Go the house keys.
Jiggle! Jiggle!
Go the keys in the door.
Goes the front door!
Thump! Thump!
That is me running down the stairs.
Guess what?
Mom and Dad are home!!
Significance: Onomatopoeias help the readers to imagine the scene using their auditory senses.


Definition: To write about a non human thing as if it were human.

The teapot sang as the water boiled
The ice cubes cackled in their glass
the teacups chattered to one another.
While the chairs were passing gas
The gravy gurgled merrily
As the oil danced in a pan.
Oh my dinnertime chorus
What a lovely, lovely clan!

Significance: Personifications help further decribe objects, at times even helping the reader relate to the object better.


Definition: Something that is written in a way that allows readers to imagine what is happening via their senses.

The chilly weather settles into your bones.
Those once green leaves turn
Red, yellow, orange, and brown.
CRRNCH! go the leaves,,
Beneath  your feet.
The birds fly in a victory “V” formation,
To where the sun rules the skies.
The days of winter are lurking around
Waiting to be free falling.
Significance: Imagery allows readers to better imagine the scene described.